Phoenix LiveView Calendar Component

I recently had reason to build a calendar component in Phoenix LiveView. It was a small but fun part of a larger project I'm working on, and something I wanted to share in case anyone else out there is interested in a drop-in calendar component for their LiveView project.

Let's skip the preamble and and just show the stuff. Here's what the calendar looks like:



Selected date: 2025-01-26, Current month: January

The component will send the following 2 events when an action takes place:

  • {:date_selected, %Date{}} - when a date is selected
  • {:month_changed, %Date{}} - when the month is changed

You can then respond in your parent LiveView by handling these events in the handle_info function (just like this page is doing to update the values above in realtime). For example, when the month changes, you might want to fetch new data from the server and update the calendar accordingly:

def handle_info({:month_changed, date}, socket) do
  {:noreply, assign(socket, data: fetch_data(date))}

You can also pass in a list of dates to the component, which will be highlighted on the calendar:

<.live_component id="calendar"
  highlighted_dates={[~D[2024-08-01], ~D[2024-10-07], ~D[2024-10-11]]}

The code for the component can be found on GitHub: leejarvis/phoenix-calendar-component.ex . Feel free to ridicule it in the issue tracker.

No libraries and no setup. Just drop it into your LiveView.

That's it. That's the whole post.